This painting is exercise 9 from Block 3 of the Evolve Artist course. It was painted from a photograph.
Evolve Artist Block 3, #9 – Apples and Pot. Oil on canvas.
I only finished #8 a couple of days ago, so I think this is the fastest painting I’ve done so far. I’d love to keep this pace up, but know it won’t happen! But after finishing my latest colouring book (which will be out soon – I just have a couple of publishing-related things to sort out first), I decided to spend more time on painting for a while.
This painting was pretty straightforward, although I’m not happy with the values on the pot and yellow apple. They should be darker, but I didn’t realise this until adding the other elements, by which time it was too late to fix. This is something that has happened a few times now, where an object will look fine in isolation, but not when later parts are filled in. And since the painting is done over a few days, it’s too late to fix the earlier parts by the time I notice the problem. I’m also still wasting too much paint, despite really trying not to this time! But these are things that should improve with more practice.
See all my Evolve artist paintings.