I slacked off a bit on my Evolve exercises in the last few weeks, because I wanted to focus on getting my next colouring book out before the holidays. Then some other stuff came up, but I managed to finish another painting just before Christmas. It’s a month since my last submission, so I was glad to get this done, and hope I’ll make some faster progress next year!
This bird and bird house is 15 of 20 Block 1. Animals are one of my favourite subjects, so I quite enjoyed this one.
Evolve Artist Block 1, #15 – Bird and Bird House. Oil on canvas.
I feel okay about how it came out. I know I messed up in a couple of places – not sure how I ended up with that weird line on the left side of the horizon! But I’m getting a bit more relaxed about the process, and striking that balance between doing the best I can while avoiding stressing about every little thing.
See all my Evolve Artist paintings here.