It’s been a while, but I finished another exercise for Evolve Artist! This is Block 3, number 10, and was painted from life.
Evolve Artist Block 3, #10 – Pear, Tomato and Cube. Oil on canvas.
It’s just over two months since I finished the last one, which is the longest I’ve gone without painting since starting the course. I couldn’t paint for a while, so it wasn’t a voluntary break. It’s weird, but I felt quite resistant to starting again, even though I wanted to. Sometimes it can be hard to get back into a habit when you haven’t done it for a while, even if it’s something you like.
Anyway, I felt quite rusty, and think this is one of my worst paintings so far. Surprisingly, I actually got good feedback – even though I felt like some of the values and colours were a bit off, they weren’t. Which goes to show I’m not a great judge of my own work, and it’s also a reminder that at this stage we’re still using a restricted painting techique that means the final result isn’t going to look that great. Still, I don’t like how it looks, and I wouldn’t share it if I hadn’t already decided to post all the paintings I make for this course. That’s okay though, since my only goal with this one was to get back into Evolve work again, without pressuring myself to make a great painting.
I had hoped to finish Block 3 by the end of the year, which isn’t going to happen now. But I’m glad to be painting again, so onwards and upwards 🙂
See all my Evolve artist paintings.