I’ve just completed another painting for Block 1 of the Evolve Artist course. This is number 18 (of 20) and is called Two Rabbits. It took me longer than the last one – unsurprisingly, since there are two relatively complex objects and not just one. The front rabbit was a bit harder, with more going on in the reflections, but I was fairly pleased with the painting as a whole. As usual there are mistakes, but I feel like I’m at the limit of what I can do right now (in the time that I have – obviously it could be better if I had unlimited time to work on each exercise!), which is the important thing.
Evolve Artist Block 1, #18 – Two Rabbits. Oil on canvas.
These paintings are still taking longer than I’d like, but I’m trying to be more efficient and not just meander around like I sometimes do. I like to do all my art at a relaxed pace, which is fine, but I do want to get through this course so I can focus on my own paintings. There are only two more exercises to go for Block 1 now 😀
See all my Evolve Artist paintings here.